Movie review: The English Teacher | Teen Ink

Movie review: The English Teacher

November 8, 2021
By th3y_3nvy3steban BRONZE, California, California
th3y_3nvy3steban BRONZE, California, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't wish bad on no one, i want to see them eat just not at my table. "

If Blake Ridder  made any more short films like the English Teacher I would be even more interested in seeing more of his work.  The English Teacher is about a man who is a teacher and teaches people how to speak English. His most recent student is a man called Jin org who has an  English test coming up. He gets paid every month but the English teacher is suffering from a loss. 

What got my attention from The English Teacher would be that beginning with someone on the bike not knowing who it was and winding who? Was it his kid who died, was it his wife who died. Then the title The English Teacher from that we understand he’s a person who teaches English we see the character “ Robert Louis “ teaching Jin org how to speak English but then after Robert is done teaching Jin, he goes home and appears depressed like if someone recently died and he’s still suffering from the loss.

  This movie was very interesting because we were introduced to 2-3 characters one was an  English teacher called Robert Louis and his student Jin Org. Both grown men Robert was teaching Jin how to speak English and paid him every month but there was the death of Robert's wife and he is still depressed about it because he lost her. 

 The main thesis is to forgive a friend because after all jin wanted to learn English so he can communicate with Robert and try to be friends with him and learn enough English to have the courage and tell him that he killed his wife when she was riding her bike and left the scene, I believe that’s the thesis to forgive.

The main character is Robert Louis because he is the English teacher and teaching someone how to talk/speak English but this teacher is suffering from a loss and is suffering everyday because of it he would touch the bed like if there sue to be someone there and there were many other things in his house that belonged to another person and he cries and just can’t accept that, that person is gone.


This film shows emotions like how Robert lost his wife mysteriously after an accident even in the short film that shows Robert suffering and crying after the loss and touching his bed as if he's missing someone or something that used to be there. Then we have a gin org where his student teaches you how to speak English. Send him an email with the video on it telling him how he took the life of his wife. 

Jin org Is Asian he was introduced to us at the beginning of the film as a man who didn't know how to speak English and I had to take a test so  he got an English tutor but will later we find out is a gene or word ran over  Roberts wife while she was on the bike and instead of him trying to figure out what happened or tell him that what happened he took off and did a hit and run

But the short one is very interesting. It just shows the emotion that most people know and the depression of losing somebody.  It also shows the deepest regrets and apologies a person can have from taking something away from someone. Anyone who has lost someone or anyone who has done something wrong Can usually relate to this short film. 

 All around are recommended a short film called the English teacher to anyone who has a good way of showing emotions in a good way of having the washer think and try to understand how they feel and what's going on.  

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This article has 1 comment.

Afra ELITE said...
on Mar. 2 2022 at 1:21 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

This is one of the most amazing short films ever...At last, when Jin confesses everything to his email; that part is so heart-touching...❤❤❤
And you've neatly presented your review on it...✌🏻👌🏻👏🏻