Jurassic park | Teen Ink

Jurassic park

April 21, 2021
By Flummerfelt BRONZE, Lethnridge, Alberta
Flummerfelt BRONZE, Lethnridge, Alberta
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Review on Jurassic Park

The Jurassic saga was a series of movies based on human’s coexistence with the dinosaurs they cloned and made from DNA and blood samples from mosquitos’ corpses. The saga starts with the discovery that there is dinosaur DNA in mosquitoes that were frozen in amber long ago when dinosaurs were around. Then a private company bought an island where they put this secret laboratory on an island where these scientists are secretly making dinosaurs and experimenting on them. While this is all happening the owner of the company invites some paleontologists to come to his island and see a real-life dinosaur instead of just their bones. When the paleontologists discover the dinosaurs, they are amazed. When a security gate does not close in time for the famous Tyrannosaur’s rex it escapes and now is wandering the island hungry. As the paleontologist are driving to their camp after a long day of sight seeing they are suddenly jumped by the T rex and then the rest of the movie is the fellow paleontologists using their dinosaurs skills in order to survive.

The Jurassic park movies were great for the people that are adrenalin rush addicts and the people who enjoy a good thrill. The movies do a very good job at keeping the movie exciting and fresh, there are no boring parts in the movie. The movie producers were great at attention to detail, for every dinosaurs there is a true fact that they show in the movie if you pay attention to the little details like how brachiosaurs use their necks to pull them selves up to the good leaves on a tree. Jurassic park could be for all viewers if you know about dinosaurs or not the movie teaches you about the different dinosaurs.

The downsides to the movie are it takes to long for the action to happen one third of the movie is the paleontologists making their way to the island.

Overall, the saga is great it just takes a while for the exciting parts to happen but when they do happen, they do not stop.

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