Eagle Eye | Teen Ink

Eagle Eye

April 15, 2009
By kelsey youngworth BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
kelsey youngworth BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eagle Eye gives you a different perspective on life and the power the government could possibly have on American lives. It shows a new and scary side of technology. It is an action packed and enticing movie, which grabs a hold of your attention at the very beginning. Eagle Eye keeps you on the edge of your seat, making you wonder what is going to happen next. There are so many twists in the plot and it really keeps you interested. Eagle Eye is an unexpected phenomenon that is sure to capture your attention no matter what age group you are in.

There are several major actors in Eagle Eye; the star in this action packed film is Shia Labeouf. He plays Jerry Shaw, who is put into this world of which he knows nothing about. He has to fight in order to stay alive. The entire movie he is suspected to be a criminal, he becomes a fugitive, and is on the run the entire movie. Actor Billie Bob Thornton is responsible for interrogating him and Jerry manages to escape his custody, with the help of an interesting character. Jerry Shaw becomes a fugitive and has a computer system controlling his every move. The computer tells him what to do and where to go otherwise, death will be the price to pay.

This thrill seeker film is a must for anyone who loves a good adventure. It is a loud and explosive movie that will blow you away.


This article has 2 comments.

heimana said...
on Sep. 28 2009 at 7:43 pm
This review for Eagle Eye captures the main points in the movie. Something that you might want to add is more specific scenes in the movie or some quotes to spice the review up some. I like when you said, " Eagle Eye keeps you on the edge of your seat, making you wonder what is going to happen next. " That is almost exactly what I did when I saw the movie. I also like how you said who was playing the main characters, like in the sentence, "There are several major actors in Eagle Eye; the star in this action packed film is Shia Labeouf. He plays Jerry Shaw, who is put into this world of which he knows nothing about. " Another thing you might want to consider is talking about more of the main characters like Labeouf's co-stars. The review was great though; really made me want to watch the movie again!

on May. 25 2009 at 5:06 am
MantonWright SILVER, Montclair, New Jersey
7 articles 44 photos 22 comments
Yeah, ok, so why didn't they just call it "The First 10 Minutes of The Matrix"?