Harry Potter Characters | Teen Ink

Harry Potter Characters

June 7, 2018
By Little_Words BRONZE, Chbgdhdjjxjch, Oregon
Little_Words BRONZE, Chbgdhdjjxjch, Oregon
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Harry Potter is known widely for its character, the chosen one himself, Harry Potter, Dumbledore, Hagrid, And Snape. In fact, it’s so popular, celebrities have gained a lifetime of fans, and fame for their Harry Potter role. This being said, Harry Potter has a huge fan base, and many characters are argued over.  

To begin, I’d like to comment the only character we can actually agree on is Umbridge, we hate her. Her house disowns her.

Now it doesn’t matter if you’re with the Death Eaters or the Order, or you’d be be chillin in a pizza parlor during the Battle of Hogwarts, im coming to every character’s defense when I say: just accept the fact that some people like villains and some people like heros.

The thing I'm trying to get at here is we need to start accepting that some people like Draco for more than his looks, same being said for Severus, Tom Riddle, Lucius, Narcissia, Bellatrix, Regugus. 

And some people like Nevil for more than his looks, James, Ron, Harry, Sirius, Remus, Horace Slughorn, Hermione, Lily, Dean, Seamus. 

It’s not wrong to like villains and anit-heros, morally gray characters, good-guys, and heros. I believe we need to become more aware of this, we hate characters for different reasons, maybe they’re evil, maybe they’re good, maybe they overshadow all the other characters, maybe they’re boring. Same being said for characters we like. 

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