Magisterium | Teen Ink


June 6, 2018
By mlcouver GOLD, Boston, Massachusetts
mlcouver GOLD, Boston, Massachusetts
17 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe greatness isn't about being immortal, or glorious, or popular- it's about choosing to fight for the greater good of the world, even when the world's turned its back on you."
-Alex Bailey
"The Land of Stories"

The Magisterium series, by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare, is a series way too underappreciated. At first, I was skeptical about reading it, but after I began, I found myself addicted to this enthralling tale. The first book, The Iron Trial, centers around Callum Hunt, a boy who possesses magic and must take a test to get into the Magisterium. Callum, or Call, is one of the only children who deos not want to get in. This book sets the story for the second book, The Copper Gauntlet, the third book, The Bronze Key, and the fourth book, The Silver Mask. Though the fifth book, titled The Golden Tower, has yet to be released, this series sent me on a whirlwind of a ride. Please, please read it. I've read all four books in four days... it's so amazing. The magic feels real and there's a sense of mystery, drama, and emotion that will keep you turning the page until the book is over. Black and Clare have really outdone themselves.

The author's comments:

You have to read this! It needs more fans! I'm looking forward to seeing more fanart for it.


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