Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones | Teen Ink

Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones

May 25, 2018
By MarissaEllefson BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
MarissaEllefson BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Music and family, this is the entirety of eldest daughter Liesl’s life. Since she was born, all her activities have been comprised of those two things: making music and experiencing it with her younger brother, but as the two continue to age, their lives lose the simplicity of childhood. Liesl is saddled with all the chores in her family, while her younger sister traipses about with no care, and her younger brother, Sepperl, is stolen by their father to train on the violin so that the father may live vicariously through him. Liesl’s parents have their own struggles, with her mom attempting to run their inn independently and her father empties the family coffers buying alcohol to numb his existence. Constanze, the oldest and most superstitious in the household, warns to all the danger that will soon be emerging from the Goblin Grove behind the inn. One day while in the small town market gathering food, Liesl’s sister is stolen away, and Liesl must find a way to bring her back.

Through a long and heart wrenching process, Liesl discovers the only way to have a chance at bringing her sister back lies within the destruction of what she loves most: her self-composed music. After this crippling sacrifice, Liesl must navigate a twisted spider web of a game to get both herself and her sister out alive, or neither will be seen again. Wintersong is an emotionally traumatizing story that pushes the boundaries of love and self sacrifice. Author S. Jae-Jones (called JJ) weaves a story of intrigue and suspense, using experiences from her own thrill seeking and adrenaline invoking lifestyle to aid in establishing a line of suspense that continuously keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Jones combines German tradition and folklore into an authentic fantasy novel that remains true to Bavaria from that time.

Immensely enjoyable and brilliantly written, Wintersong, enchants readers and seduces them into a dark world full of beauty and darkness in a style that has never been seen before. For readers looking for a love story that does not romanticise the obstacles facing couples of different backgrounds and is authentic. Jones presents a novel filled with raw emotions and alluring compositions; sections are grotesque but the continual underlying thrum of perseverance and strength ensnares the reader. Fans of young adult books, fans of mystery and intrigue, or fans of German culture and folklore all may find an enjoyable and memorable read within Wintersong.


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