Anthem by Ayn Rand | Teen Ink

Anthem by Ayn Rand

May 21, 2018
By alisaReyes BRONZE, Houston, Texas
alisaReyes BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this book, the city has a lot of rules and regulations all people are controlled by the “council”. Individuals are not even able to know what they look like or say the word “I” it’s somewhat unheard of, no one has their own name.  The main character is called Equality 7-2521, each person is named the same way, without a unique name.  This book can be confusing because nobody refers to themselves as “I”, they refer to themselves as we, they use words like “our” even when talking about only themselves.  Another big regulation is that they are not allowed to choose their own mate, they have a mating season when they are matched up with others chosen by the council. Individuals are given a specific job and are frowned upon if they learn things too fast or know too much. This city and the council basically makes sure that there is no way for the people of the city to be original.  I think that these laws and regulations exist so that the council will not be overpowered or overruled, and so that nobody will be too curious and start to wonder what is beyond the city.  If another way of life is discovered beyond the city, people will start wanting to make their own rules and live a different type of life.  I believe that the people of the city cannot say “I” or know how they look so that they won’t be able to individualize themselves and be unique in any sort of way.  Being unique causes people to think outside of what is considered normal.  The council will not be able to force the people to continue living the same way they have been living because they may have different ideas for themselves.  I think that the society, Equality, is going to create or envision is definitely not going to include any of these rules and regulations.  The society he is going to create is going to be very free spirited, everyone will be totally unique, and people won’t be frowned up on for being smart, they will be rewarded for having bright ideas.  The city that Equality and The Golden One will create will be much different than the city that the are coming from because they have both experienced a different way of life that neither one of them liked it.  They will probably encourage education more than it was encouraged in the old city because Equality was unusually smart and wanted to learn more but was not allowed.  Obviously, since Equality had the idea of making light, he would want others to have ideas and create new things.  Equality had difficulty obeying the laws so he probably won’t want as many laws in his new city that would stop people from being individuals.  Being unique will be something that is cherished, also loving yourself will be very important. I think that just because of love and creativity Equality was able to notice that the council was a dictatorship and that it wasn’t right. Equality felt a little like he was sinning at first because he wanted to know more about everything but after creating light he knew he had did something good and he learned that he shouldn’t be shameful about it. Equality’s new city will be based off of the old city and all the rules that they had. His city will be colorful and people will be free, kind of just like today’s society we are able to wear what we like and to think what  we  please. The word “I” in today’s world is a common thing that people just always use to express themselves but nobody realizes that word has a lot of meaning, just think about if you couldn’t say it.

The author's comments:

I was supposed to write this originaly for my english class but really enjoyed the book so i decided to write this and turn it in here.

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