The Compound | Teen Ink

The Compound

May 22, 2018
By MarieAyingone SILVER, Houston , Texas
MarieAyingone SILVER, Houston , Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The compound is a great book. It has a lot of different type of emotions. It can make you sad,angry, or even sometimes excited. Throughout the story of this book, there is a lesson to learn. I don’t think any body else had thought of this book any way different than for it to be an entertainment to some of us. I saw it as a story to tell me how cruel people can be and that you should not put all your trust in a person to end up hurt t way Eli’s mom was. If you look at Eli he already had doubts on his father’s honesty toward the whole family. When he speaked to his mom about those doubts she seem to still have a little faith in her husband. At the end of the day those who had trust in him got hurt worst than those who saw how he was suspicious. It doesn’t mean that you should judge a book by its cover, but you should be careful of who you trust and who you don’t. Your worst enemy can become your best friend and your best friend can become your worst enemy. To conclude my point of view, “the best way to avoid disappointment is to not expect anything from no one”.

The author's comments:

This article is an opinion based on the book The Compound which was written by S.A Bodeen


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