Jay's Journal by Anonymous | Teen Ink

Jay's Journal by Anonymous

May 22, 2018
By Anonymous

This story is about this child named Jay; he has a party for himself and does drugs and drinks alcohol. He sadly gets addicted to these drugs. Then he goes to an institution, and he does get better. Once Jay gets out of the institution, he stays sober for a while, but he goes back on drugs and is very frustrated with himself. Then something horrible happens…

One of the lessons I learned in this book is once you start doing something, like drugs or drinking, it’s hard to get rid of that problem. The other lesson I learned in this book is just because everyone else is doing it doesn’t mean you need to do it with them. One other lesson I learned is that if you get pressured into doing something you don’t want to do, just say no because the people you are with might listen, and if they don’t, make an excuse and leave or tell an adult because they will also help you.

My opinion on this book is that it’s a good book, but it can be frustrating sometimes. I like all of the different problems in the story and all of the different emotions through this book. I liked this book because it’s written in a first person’s point of view, and I like those type of books. I also liked it because this boy was in high school and then started doing drugs, and that kind of relates to this high school because some kids do drugs in this high school, so I like the connection. I like the connection because I can easily relate to it and I can understand the book more because of the easy connection. I would recommend this book to other teens, and maybe even some adults because I know a lot of people doing things like this kid is doing, and I know some of the parents can also relate to this child’s parents.

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