The Child Called It by David Pelzer | Teen Ink

The Child Called It by David Pelzer

January 25, 2018
By jujubean881 SILVER, Sacremento, California
jujubean881 SILVER, Sacremento, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"do or do, not there is no try"

“Childhood should be playing in the sun not a living nightmare in the darkness of the soul.” The child called it is a story about a young boy who is both physically, and mentally abused by his mother.  It tells us what type of punishments that David  went through. What was the mother’s motives? How come she only picked one child. You should read this book because it a heartbreaking story that makes you appreciate what you have and take for granted.

The book is by David Pelzer, it is the #1 worldwide bestseller and I feel like the story earned its place as #1 bestseller. It also shows in detail that child abuse is not a thing to joke about and it gives use a peek into what abused children have to go through.

David is a 6 year old boy who gets tormented by his mother he is stronger than anyone in his family but yet everyone still treats him like a piece of dirt or a slave David has always looked up to his father as if he's a hero but he soon realized that his “hero” was not such a hero. This leaves David wIth the choice of fighting to stay alive or keep getting tormented.

This book is one of David Pelzer's first autobiographies and a very heartbreaking story that happened to him. I would recommend this to teens who don't appreciate what they have.

You should learn to appreciate what you have and if you don't then just think about what david went through and feel the nightmares that david had to go through

The author's comments:

its a book review that explains the story of david pelzer 


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