Night in Striped Pajamas | Teen Ink

Night in Striped Pajamas

January 24, 2018
By Anonymous

Not everything is as easy as it seems. People have good days and bad, {run-on} they become rich or poor, they live, or they die. Unfortunately in the book Night by Ellie Wiesel, and the movie The Boy In The Striped Pajamas,  you learn just that. Life has some very unexpected paths. {fragment} Especially for the Jews from Sighet, Romania, and little Bruno from Berlin, Germany.

The book and the movie are both set in the same time, but from two completely different views. In the book, the perspective comes from a small boy about 15, named Ellie {spelling}  Wiesel. Ellie is a Jew along with the rest of his family in the small town of Sighet, Romania. Him and his family get moved from place to place not knowing what is to come.{choppy transition} "What are you saying? Get ready for the journey? What journey? Why? What is happening? Have you gone mad?"(Wiesel 15). It all starts with letting the soldiers into town, then the ghettos, the train, and then worst of all;{punctuation error}  Auschwitz. {choppy transition} "Fire! I see a fire! I see a fire!" (Wiesel 25) For a young man, things can be very scary and confusing, especially when a lady less than 20 feet from you is going insane. All of the unplanned moving could be stressful and almost terrifying.

Bruno, is a small boy, and about eight years old. His dad was the big man in town. Her {spelling} Kommandant (Bruno’s dad) was in charge of overseeing the concentration camps, {comma missing/error} where Jews like Ellie Wiesel, {comma missing/error} were to be killed for an “advantage” in the war. “I took an oath upon my life!” (Boy In The Striped Pajamas) said Ralph. “That isn’t war” (Boy In The Striped Pajamas) replied his wife Elsa. They were forced to move from Berlin to only a couple miles away from the main camp of Auschwitz. Where not Bruno, nor the rest his family knew why;{punctuation error}  besides his father of course. Moving as a little boy, being only eight or nine years old may be sad at first, but they are quick to get over it, compared to a teenager. Not only would it be easier, but there would be less questions asked about what is next and what’s happening to them.


An eight year old boy like Bruno wouldn’t understand the point of a concentration camp. Like he said in the movie, he thought it was just a farm and the prison clothes, he knew to be, just pajamas with numbers on them, as part of a game. ”Tell me how the number game works!” (Boy In The Striped Pajamas) Bruno asked Shmuel (a kid in the concentration camp). “I told you it’s not a game!” (Boy In The Striped Pajamas) Shmuel said. Not once however, was Shmuel ever able to say what the numbers were for. Being a boy at the age of eight himself, not even he understood the situation he was in. Living the life inside the camp and living the life outside are so very different. No playing on tire swings for fun, just working tirelessly day after day hoping that it’s not your last.


Everything from reasoning, to simple common sense between an eight year old boy and a fifteen year old young man, are seen in two completely different ways. Why certain things are happening are confusing. Not knowing what is to come isn’t just an adventure like in a story book. Basic fear isn’t a jolt of energy to play a game, it’s the difference between life or death. You better stay on your toes, because not everything is going to go the way you thought it might.

Works Cited:

Wiesel, Ellie. Night. Hill and Wang, 2006.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Directed by Mark Herman, performances by Asa Butterfield, Vera Famiga, Jack Scanlon, David Thewlis.

The author's comments:

This was an extra credit opportunity

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