The Contender by Robert Lipsytle | Teen Ink

The Contender by Robert Lipsytle

December 6, 2017
By Gracie.Burns BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Gracie.Burns BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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The Contender, by Robert Lipsyte, is about high school dropout named Alfred Brooks. Alfred Brooks works at a grocery store where he doesn't earn much. On his way home from the grocery store one evening. He gets stopped by these boys, who demand money and yell at Alfred to fight and punch back. Alfred shakes his head no and the boys beat him up. Later that week, Alfred meets Mr. Donatelli and he starts to persuade Alfred into joining and competing with him for the boxing championship. Alfred decides to join him and while he training to box in the world championship, he struggles with one of his friends who is on drugs and his family stepping in between his decisions. They are trying to persuade him into doing the opposite of what Mr. Donatelli told him.


This book, The Contender, is a rollercoaster of a book. It takes you through Alfred’s story and how he managed by himself and how he went through some terrible times. This book really stuck with me because my dad is a boxer, as well. He is a mixed martial arts boxer., and is always on the road, though he still finds time to spend time with his family. While I was reading this book, I was comparing Alfred to my dad. This book got a little boring in the middle of it, but comparing these characters and relating them to my family really kept me wanting to read it. This book is a good book on many levels. One of the main characters is very determined. One of the characters is very caring. But overall, they all play a very important part in this book and they really move the book onward. If you are a person who loves fiction, action, and is a very determined, I really do recommend this book for you to read.


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