Unwind by Neal Shusterman | Teen Ink

Unwind by Neal Shusterman

November 22, 2017
By StuartBovich BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
StuartBovich BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Connor, Risa, and Lev didn’t choose to get scrapped for parts, but then again they didn’t get much say about what happened in their lives anyway.  Unwind written by Neal Shusterman is a science fiction novel.  Unwind takes place in the near future after the second civil war, which resulted in a law stating that from the age of 13 to 18 you can have your child unwound (Unwinding is when a child or young adult is taken apart for their organs).  The book starts off with total strangers Connor, Lev, and Risa finding out they are going to be unwound.  As the story begins to progress their journeys come together.  As they struggle to survive, they will make many friends, and a few enemies,  but the most important thing they will do is try to stay alive. 


Neal does an excellent job of having the characters face problems earlier, and then later have them face a similar problem and use what they now know to solve the conflict.  Neal also excels at making the characters seem like real people.  A lot of the problems  they face are very easy to relate to, and tell you a lot about what kind of person they are.  One of my favorite parts of the book is all of the subtle nods to things he mentions earlier in the book.  Overall, I thought that the book was very interesting and brought on some interesting concepts that I had never thought of.  If you like books such as the Hunger Games series or the Divergent series I would recommend Unwind to you.


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