Cinder by Marissa Meyer | Teen Ink

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

September 22, 2017
By angela.mendiola BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
angela.mendiola BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
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Cinder is based on the fairy tale Cinderella, which made me gain interest in the book. I really enjoyed “Cinder” because while I was reading I could picture different images inside my head. In the book “Cinder” the author made really strong characters. They were not the regular characters that you read in every Cinderella. They had somewhat similar characteristics, but not a lot to get you bored. For example there is the famous protagonist, the stepmother, but it changes at the end. Another thing that is different, is the conflict between the stepsisters, one of the stepsisters is Cinder’s best human friend. “The plague” is not in any other stories. “The plague” is a sickness that is going around in New Beijing. Cinder is immune to this sickness because she is different than everybody else, she is a cyborg, but towards the end of the book she discovers she is more special than what she thought. The plot structure is a little bit difficult, sometimes I had to go reread because I got confused. In Cinder the plot is totally different. In the book Cinder is a mechanic not a maid.The money she earns goes to her stepmother. In the usual Cinderella stories Cinderella becomes a princess. Well in the book, Cinder is special since the beginning, even if she doesn't know it. ‘“I'm sure I'll feel much more grateful when I find a guy who thinks complex wiring in a girl is a turn-on’” (Meyer 116).This quote is relatable to me because I, like Cinder thinks the way she looks can affect what people think about her. Another quote that is relatable is “‘For starters, I just spent my life savings on a new foot. But even if I did have money, why would I spend it on a dress or shoes or gloves? What a waste.” (Meyer 31). This quote reminds me a lot to my grandma. My grandma doesn't like to waste money unless she really needs to. I recommend the book "Cinder" to those who love fairy tales, but are looking for a different style.


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