Before Tomorrowland by Jeff Jensen, Brad Bird, Jonathan Case, Damon Lindelof | Teen Ink

Before Tomorrowland by Jeff Jensen, Brad Bird, Jonathan Case, Damon Lindelof

September 22, 2017
By Cecilia_O. BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Cecilia_O. BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
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I really didn’t like chapter two; I feel like it was very boring. When I was reading that chapter I was literally falling asleep. I also liked and at the same time I didn’t liked was the introduction, I really liked it but then when I started reading chapter one I was really confused. Until I understood they were telling two things at once. Another thing, was that was puzzling to me was when they mentioned the boy and the dad, in the introduction, and then on chapter one they mentioned the boy Lee and his father. So I thought that the boy was Lee grown up; I would like the author to clarify that. This was a complicated book, b/c the way I understood it at first, was that I thought they were like the vignettes in the book the “House on Mango Street”, but it wasn’t like that. The characterization of Lee is very strong and really cares about his mother. The way he acted when Clara, his mother, is sick and they go on that trip to New York City and he really takes care of her even with that big responsibility. I can relate to Lee taking care of his sick mother, b/c when I lived with my father he was sick and sometimes I had to take care of him. I would recommend this book to teens who really like fiction future, science, and technology topics, b/c this a really interesting book, and in my opinion the book is more interesting than the movie “Tomorowland”. Also I would recommend this book to children because it’s a little complicated book. Clara states “’Take me to New York City, and I’ll take you to a game’” (Jensen et al. 5). Lee responds “’If you get us ticket to that game, I’ll take to New York,’” (Jensen et al. 5) “They were broke, so he thought that would be the end of it, but three days later she handed him the tickets” (Jensen et al. 5). That was a surprised and at the same time it was kind of frustrating, because since they were broke the question is “Where did she got the money to buy the tickets?”. For me that’s like a big part because without the tickets they wouldn’t have had gone to New York.


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