Did I Mention I Love You by Estelle Maskame | Teen Ink

Did I Mention I Love You by Estelle Maskame

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

I am going to be summarizing a book called “Did I mention I love you” By Estelle Maskame. I adore this book because it explains you the consequences if you fall in love with someone you’re not  suppose to or someone you never wanted to fall in love with. The book is about a girl name Eden, she spends her summer with her dad because she hasn’t seen him in years and she meets her step brother Tyler and something unexpected happens. The author wrote the sentences in details and clearly that makes it understandable, you will relate and know the characters emotions. This is the kind of book that makes me excited to read everyday. One thing I enjoy a lot about this book was the ending, it makes you want to read the rest of the series, and makes you think deep and in shock. This book is easy to follow the problems, it gives you so many details that you can picture it in your head. I have two favorite quotes in this book “‘apologizing means regretting’” (Grayson 181), this is the definition of sorry that everyone means and the way they feel and my second quote “‘ I fell in love with you, I don’t know how, I don't know why, I just did’” (Eden 200) this can relate to anyone because you can’t control who you fall in love with, it just happens. I recommend this to someone who loves romance books and  people who wants to know how it feels to fall in love with someone, and what types of problems people have in a relationship. I can relate with this book because I have met people who has fallen in love with people they didn’t want to catch feelings for.

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