The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas | Teen Ink

The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

Injustice and revenge combine into a novel, “The Count of Monte Cristo.” So far I have enjoyed reading this book a lot. This novel introduces a humble and hardworking sailor, named Edmond Dantes. Arousing envy between his “friends” due to his perfect life, Dantes is accused of treason by them and thrown into prison for a crime he did not commit. Thirteen years that changed a humble kind-hearted young boy into a man full of resentment and hatred.

This novel introduces characters that, in some way, resemble people we know in life. From a wise instructor who is not appreciated, to a woman deeply in love, a “friend” who wishes the worst upon his partner, to the enemy who constantly tries to bring his rival down. Alexandre Dumas changed the main character though. Were used to seeing the main character as the person who is always doing the good. Yet in this novel Dantes is a very complex character, who started off as a good character and became the bad character. He’s the one who tracks down his friends in order to seek revenge. This is why I like this novel, it is something different from other books I have read.

“‘Man does not appear to me to be intended to enjoy felicity so unmixed; happiness is like the enchanted palaces we read of in our childhood’” (Alexandre Dumas 47). 

‘”The overflow of my brain would probably, in a state of freedom, have evaporated in a thousand follies; it needs trouble and difficulty and danger to hollow out various mysterious and hidden mines of human intelligence.’”  Alexandre Dumas 185).

These two quotes made me realize that there are two kinds of people in life. The ones with a positive attitude and the ones with a negative attitude. I think there’s a reason why both of these people exist. They depend on each other and this novel clearly states this idea. Sometimes I have the same thought as Edmond did and yet there’s that one person in life, my Abbe Faria, who constantly cheers me up.

I would recommend this book to anybody who likes adventure. This book has a little bit of everything, from romance, action, politics, to mystery, so I think anyone would enjoy it.

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