The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton | Teen Ink

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

September 22, 2017
By KpopLover101 BRONZE, Arlington , Texas
KpopLover101 BRONZE, Arlington , Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Outsiders is a book that is about the socs and the greasers. Both societies are named off of there wealth. The greasers are called the greasers, because they were lots of hair gel and come from poor families. The socs are called the socs because they are the rich kids without hair gel.

The thing I like most about the book is the way they talk differently in both areas like the greasers would say you look tuff not tough. They explained how to the two are very different like tough meaning is the same as rough, and tuff means cool or sharp. The characterization in this book is very good, because it gives good descriptive details on each of the characters, and why they are so different from each other like the socs have mustangs and the greasers have black leather jackets that go with their hair gel. The theme was kind of a cliche, but still unique in its own way. The cliche part about it was the two sides being wealthy and poor, coming from a good home, or not. The unique part of it was the two sides it self like how they showed they perspective of more than one person from each side, and the reason they hated the other side. The things I learned from this book is that we should never judge a book by its cover, and learn that everyone is different. That everyone may be different, but still have the same types of problems. I also learned that what you wear, and where you come from and put you in a place you never knew existed or cause hatred upon you when you did nothing wrong It can also cause a lot of discrimination against you like race or beliefs. My favorite quotes from The Outsiders are “Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.(S.E. Hinton 148)”, and “Things are rough all over.(S.E. Hinton 35)"


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