Savvy by Ingrid Law | Teen Ink

Savvy by Ingrid Law

September 22, 2017
By herre324599 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
herre324599 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the book Savvy by Ingrid Law is trying convey that a 12 year old girl named Mibs is close to turning thirteen and is excited for her teenage years. Mibs is very happy for her birthday to arrive, but she comes across many challenges. I think this is an amazing book, which got the book to get a Newbery Honor Award. For just a little bit of taste of the book all it’s talking about is that there is a girl name Mississippi or Mibs. She is a twelve year old girl and her thirteenth birthday is coming up soon and is very excited for it. Although her family is not only about turning thirteen, but also something called “savvy”, which is a special power.“‘It was a good thing for Ashley and Emma that Momma kept us kids home once we had our savvy’(Law 17). She also gets into a situation on a bus “‘Momma looked at Poppa’s empty chair and waiting plate, then she turned to us, chin trembling, and told us about the accident on the highway.’(Law 10). Something I learned from this book is that kids still want to get older, but there are still going to many obstacles that will get in the way of goals. It could be from a job turning you down to even your mom. When I was going to turn thirteen I felt the same way as Mibs, I felt excited, but a little bit nervous. I was scared about my teenager age because when I was twelve I was starting to get acne, and comparing to my brother he had a lot. I nervous that I was going to get a lot acne like him. Although I am getting a little bit of acne, but they are big. I am a happy that I read this book because I can compare with mibs about her teenage years. In conclusion this is overall a good book, and I feel that any twelve to eleven year olds should read this book for a little bit of a advice for their teenager years.

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