The Fault in our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in our Stars by John Green

September 22, 2017
By Alejandro_Garcia BRONZE, Arlington , Texas
Alejandro_Garcia BRONZE, Arlington , Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book I’m reading is the Fault in our Stars. The story is about a young girl named Hazel, diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I found this book filled with emotions and very touching the visual aid and the way John Green uses his characters to make the book seem as if it was in real life is outstanding. He really crafted his words with such delicacy and touched a topic most wouldn’t dare of. The single and only critique I would give for this book would have to be whenever the characters are speaking it’s hard to determine which is talking so you must pay close attention. Although after reading this book I realized how lucky I am and made me more humble and grateful for my healthy conditions I recommend this book for more of the younger crowed and for people who want to really connect with life and understand what people go through in life instead of sci-fi or fiction it really brings you down to earth. A few quotes that popped out to me would be “it doesn’t kill you unless you light it” by augustus waters when he said that he meant the cigarette with when I first heard that I assumed it was a way to avoid smoking by pretending you're smoking which was smart but I think hazel took it the wrong way because she replied saying “just another cancer to add to the list” by hazel. But my last quote would be “the marks humans leave are too often scars” with really caught my attention because the things she goes through by people often always hurt her.

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