The Titans Curse by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Titans Curse by Rick Riordan

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

The author did really well in describing what was going on for example during the fights/battles he would explain everything in detail. If somebody got hurt he would explain how it happened and I could paint the picture in my head like if I were to see it in person. Also the author wrote the characters thought and that would give you an inside viewing of what they were going to do next without them saying what they were going to do. “An arrow whizzed past my head. The lion jumped onto the aircraft, and the cords holding the plane began to groan. The lion swiped at me, and I dropped onto the next exhibit, a weird-looking spacecraft with blades like a helicopter. I looked up and saw the lion roar—inside its maw, a pink tongue and throat. Its mouth, I thought. Its fur was completely invulnerable, but if I could strike it in the mouth… The only problem was, the monster moved too quickly. Between its claws and fangs, I couldn't get close without getting sliced to pieces” (Riordan 142) Here there is action going on it is primarily like this throughout the whole story/book. “She was wearing a red satin dress and her hair was curled in a cascade of ringlets. Her face was the most beautiful I'd ever seen: perfect makeup, dazzling eyes, a smile that would've lit up the dark side of the moon. Thinking back on it, I can't tell you who she looked like. Or even what color her hair or her eyes were. Pick the most beautiful actress you can think of. The goddess was ten times more beautiful than that. Pick your favorite hair color, eye color, whatever. The goddess had that”(Riordan 184) Here the author describes Aphrodite the goddess of love in this instance the author is describing as a very beautiful person. I would recommend this book to somebody that likes books with action and what to figure out what the answer to the mystery is. I would not recommend this book to someone that wants a happy ending  or someone that doesn't like cliff hangers.

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