The Young World by Chris Weitz | Teen Ink

The Young World by Chris Weitz

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

A story that takes place in the future. The world in the hands of 5 kids, would they be able to keep our last generation’s alive? The book I have chosen for my critique project is The young World by Chris Weitz. I really enjoyed this book, because of all the adventure it has. That was also a big problem in the book. The book's plot structure wasn’t that easy to find. Since it had different adventures through the story there was always a different problem. For example in one of the chapters the problem was that Jefferson, and his team was trying to get away from the Alpha and his tribe. Pages later they are trying to get away from the uptowners “‘The uptowners have found us we won't be able to hold the back no longer said Ratso’” (Weitz,231). All the adventures in this book do have a conflict, rising action, climax,and a resolution for every of his adventures. But it’s very hard to locate the plot structure for the whole story. The character I love , and relate to the most is Donna. Donna is always putting her thought out their for example “I mean, all those movies they used to make about tough guys. I’d like to see them pass a watermelon through their but” (Weitz,76). She is also very brave, not scared of anything or anyone. Does not mind putting in her life for others. I can relate to her because, i’m a very caring person if you ever need help on something i’ll probably be their. I am also a very open person like her, if you ask me something i will 90% chance tell you my honest opinion. I recommend this story to older teen’s , because it does have graphic language. Also to younger teen’s if they are okay with that type of language, than I recommend it too. It’s very interesting and if you like adventure, suspense, and action than this book might be the one for you.


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