The Crossover by Kwame Alexander | Teen Ink

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

September 15, 2017
By kiki20d BRONZE, Indinapolis, Indiana
kiki20d BRONZE, Indinapolis, Indiana
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Basketball is something I really don't enjoy at all so when seeing the picture of the book it was like” ummmm no i’m not going to enjoy this at all” but when i start reading i was holding on to each verse desperate to see what was on the next page.This book gave so much more than a kid wanting to play basketball and the ending was just mind blowing.

In this commendable there was a young middle schooler that goes by the name of Josh or Filthy McNasty that had a twin(Jordan or JB) and dad(Chuck or Da man) that he was very close too. There mom was there but they didn’t communicate a lot in the book.Josh, Jordan, and dad loved basketball everything seemed perfect for this family but was it?

This story The Crossover give emotions so real that it crazy and you just can’t help but to stop to wonder what it would be like to be Josh bell or is this something that happened somewhere else?This book was all over the place for one's emotions you get things like “jealousy, heartbreak,agony, joy, and desperation.”Not to mention all sadness.This tasteful beautiful book is something so great if you like drama or emotional book it is great.

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