The Crossover by Kwame Alexander | Teen Ink

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

September 15, 2017
By carly27 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
carly27 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this book the author takes you on an breathtaking adventure while he shows you and explains to you the emotions of Chuck Bell and his twin sons Josh and JB. In the book Alexander the author shows that heart breaking relationships in life can pull you closer with family.


The writing style was able to be recognized really easy in the book because the way Alexander had wrote it. The book shows the relationship between Josh and JB and their Dad. The way their bond is and how much all three of them love the game of basketball it shows that their bond is almost unbreakable. As Dad tells his twin boys about his childhood life and his basketball life the boys learn how much basketball can teach you about the real world.


EVERY reader will love this breathtaking book that takes you on a journey that teaches you about being yourself and how strong a family's relationship is able to be. The poems in the book are so powerful they each have their own meaning and story it tells. As you read the poems it shows how the characters identity changes throughout the book.


If you are a reader that loves books that are fast and has a great theme and powerful meanings then you should read The Crossover because it is a very powerful breathtaking book.The Crossover is a book that will look at your family more different. 

The author's comments:

This book is a great book and if you like basketball then it will be a great book to read.

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