The Crossover by Kwame Alxeander | Teen Ink

The Crossover by Kwame Alxeander

September 15, 2017
By Dhampt BRONZE, Indianapoils, Indiana
Dhampt BRONZE, Indianapoils, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The realistic fictional novel-in-verse story of josh Bell,Jordan Bell,Chuck da Man' Bell is a story about family and also brotherhood.That most kids can relate too.The book has won two awards one of them is the John Newbery Award and the Coretta Scott King award.In this book I think that this book is amazing,in this book the author helps you understand what is going on in the book,and what the characters are doing .And what they are facing.


The main character of the book is about Josh bell.Josh and his brother love to play basket,their father was a famous basketball player.Josh and his brother love to play basketball they play for their middle school team.The book is told from Josh’s point of view, Josh also faces some problems in the book like any other teenager.And the family is very close and they care deeply about their family members.

The author did a amazing job writing the book.It is very easy to understand and if you don't like reading long pages you don't have to worry because the pages are not very long.The writing style is different from any other authors writing It’s almost like you are watching a movie.

I think that everyone should read this if you are person that loves basket ball you will love this book.Josh and Jordan are determined to become the best like their father.The setting in the book is very easy to understand some people may have a hard time trying to know what is going on.All you have to is just read and you will understand everything.The book will make you predict what the next page is about.

The reason I gave this book a five star rating because It is like everyone can relate to what is happening in the book.You can tell that when the author was writing this they took their time and was trying their best.The book has won two awards,the book is not confusing at all what you have to do is just read.

I think If you read this book it well have a powerful impact on your life.It will make think of the world in a different way.You may be wondering why is this the book is like a true story,or like a game because you are trying to get too the next level and and see what is going to happen next.

Josh’s point of view is very important because without his point of view you would be lost like trying to read a map.Josh’s point of view helps you understand what is happening in story like you need to follow the dictations on homework to make sure you do the right thing.What I am trying to say is that the main character's point of view is very important.


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