Crossover by Kwame Alexander | Teen Ink

Crossover by Kwame Alexander

September 14, 2017
By TYTY2549 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
TYTY2549 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Josh is the main character. The other 2 important characters are Jordan Josh’s twin brother and Chuck “Da Man” Bell Josh and Jordan’s dad. The book is a Novel-In-Verse which means every page is a poem. The book is a good family because it is all about Josh’s family.

Kwame Alexander Talks about Josh, Jordan, And Chuck's relationship with each other. The book starts at the beginning of the basketball season and ends around winter break.  There dad was a pro basketball player and his sons both want to play college ball. Josh wants to go to Duke University and his brother Jordan wants to go to south carolina. Josh’s favorite player or his inspiration is Stephen Curry. Jordan’s favorite player and inspiration is Micheal Jordan.

This book is good for all audiences, but mostly a family book. The theme of the book is if things in life goes bad be happy and don’t put yourself down. If you ever get down like Josh did in the story just work hard and do whatever it takes to become happy again.

I would recommend this book to any grade school kids that like fast paced books because it's not like a normal book it is a poem book so it will not take you that long to read it and you will be able to understand it better.

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