Miracles From Heaven by Christy Wilson Beam | Teen Ink

Miracles From Heaven by Christy Wilson Beam

September 15, 2017
By PaytonH BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
PaytonH BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Miracles From Heaven  is written by Christy Wilson Beam. The genre of the book is biographical and autobiographical. Anna, the main character, lives with a rare incurable disorder that leaves her unable to digest food, preventing her from ever living a normal, healthy life. Despite the disorder, her loving mother Christy searches for a way to save her beloved daughter. Later in the story everything changes when Anna tells her amazing story of her trip to heaven after a long head first fall into a tree.  After being released from the hospital, she defied science and was suddenly cured from her disorder. Anna’s family and doctors become even more shocked when Anna beings to show signs of recovering from her fatal condition.

Christy Beam wrote this book because she thought this story of the miracle must be told.  Also because she’s always been passionate about reading and developing readers which made her want to write a book about sharing God’s message. The book to me was very fascinating and heartfelt. It’s very fascinating because there are many events happening in one chapter. It is heartfelt because you feel the pain that Christy and her family is going through seeing Anna like this and the scary events that happen to her. The book affected me in an emotional way because this little girl is having problems that she isn’t suppose to be having when she’s this little and what she is going through.

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