The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NIghttime by Mark Haddon | Teen Ink

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NIghttime by Mark Haddon

April 6, 2017
By Cassi.Gersbach BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
Cassi.Gersbach BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A murder mystery through the eyes of a boy with autism named Christopher John Francis Boone, will make you see the world through whole new lense. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, shows a rare insight into this boy’s mind where he explains why he likes things to be one way and not another. He also explains mathematical equations, shares his deep love for math, gives his opinion on many discoveries, books, plus his dream to one day be an astronaut. But his life is put on hold when Christopher finds the neighbor’s poodle, Wellington, murdered with a garden fork. In Christopher’s mind he shares the importance of animals in his life and how they are much easier to understand than people. Therefore, they play a much larger role in his life than people.

Christopher knows that it is up to him to find the murderer and record it in the book he is writing. Even though he may have a few issues like;

“A.Not talking to people for a long time
B.Not eating or drinking anything for long time
C.Not liking being touched
D.Screaming when I am angry or confused
E.Not liking being in really small places with other people
F.Smashing things when I am angry or confused
H.Not liking yellow things or brown things and refusing to touch yellow things or brown things
I.Refusing to use my toothbrush if anyone else has touched it
J.Not eating food if different sorts of food are touching each other
K.Not noticing that people are angry with me
L.Not smiling
M.Saying things that other people think are rude
N.Doing stupid things hitting other people
P.Hating France
Q.Driving Mother’s car
R.Getting cross when someone has moved the furniture” (46-47)


Despite these issues, Christopher is determined to solve the mystery that has been haunting him since that night when Christopher found the dead poodle laying there on the wet grass at 2 AM. Within this book, you will follow him on his mission to seek out the murderer and find the Earth shattering truth to lies he has been believing for years. He doesn’t know who to trust anymore, and suddenly Christopher is lost and betrayed in the middle of the train station.

Risks are important to the growth of a person. In The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, the author shows a lot of risks the characters will be making. They might seem like unnecessary risks, but without those risks it would not lead them to way their life turned out, whether it's good or bad. This amazing book will turn a little trip into the most suspenseful, terrifying and horrific journey that will keep you reading and wanting more for hours.


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