Me and Mr. Darcy | Teen Ink

Me and Mr. Darcy

March 27, 2009
By Grace Vaitilingam BRONZE, Subang Jaya, Other
Grace Vaitilingam BRONZE, Subang Jaya, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Darcy is loved by all women, hated by all men and frankly, it is not hard to see why. At the very mention of Mr. Darcy, you can see Colin Firth striding across Pemberly or Matthew Macfadyen's penetrating gaze. Oh how we have swooned and dreamt about our own Mr. Darcy to sweep us off our feet and look at us with such ardor that would turn any straight girl into a puddle of mush.

Alexandra Potter addresses the love of Mr. Darcy in her book with a title girls of all ages have scribbled in their journals surrounded by heart; "Me and Mr. Darcy". The lead character, Emily Albright represents every woman who has ever loved or been in love (oh come on, can we stop loving him?) who loves Mr. Darcy. After many failed dates with men who pale in comparison to the brooding king of our hearts, she goes on a literary tour in England to Jane Austen's world in order to escape her best friend's plans to go on a Singles Only cruise. Maybe it was the air, maybe it was the food but Emily meets Mr. Darcy himself on this trip and learns maybe all that we have every thought about him may not be quite what it seems.

The author has really cast a light on the reality of having Mr. Darcy in your life. When you imagine him and imagine how it would be like with this 'hero', we are often clouded by false images and false feelings. We forget that Mr. Darcy is proud, stubborn and well, brooding. Can we truly cope with someone so intense all the time? We are quick to think that the serious manner he takes on in approaching any situation is, in common terms, 'hot'. But can we handle someone who is always in your face and is so different from any kind of man we know?

All in all, this book has opened my eyes to the real side of this famed character and how his personality relates to a real person in our time. I highly recommend fans of Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' to take time to read it as there will be surprises along the way that you will enjoy.


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