The Dumbest Generation | Teen Ink

The Dumbest Generation

March 27, 2009
By Trey Hilley BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
Trey Hilley BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Generation y has been known to have poor reading habits, and in this chapter of 'The Dumbest Generation' Mark Bauerlien touches on some of our reading habits and gives various statistics on that subject. However, as I read through this chapter it begs the question; does less leisure reading mean that you are dumber? In this essay I will give my opinion on that question. Also, I will give my response and what I agree and what I disagree with about this chapter.

Although, I do agree with Mark Bauerlein on some aspects of Generation Y's reading habits; such as, I do think that kids should do more leisurely reading, because it opens your mind and your imagination. However, in my opinion, kids who regularly read for school keep up academically just as well as kids who read leisurely. Also, his statistics are not very good, because he has higher expectations for this new generation. Because of this he does not compare the statistics from older generations and newer generations on the same standards.

In this chapter he also accuses our generation of choosing to play video games over reading. Although, in my experience this is probably a true statement, he doesn't include how complex these new video games and TV shows are. The TV shows of today have multiple, complex plot lines and the video games of today force you to make your own decisions to effect how the game plays out. Also, they are entertaining, and a good way to relax after a long day of school. Video games are also very social because you play online with kids from around the world and talk to them using your headset. You can also set up games and invite all your friends to play with you.
In conclusion, I think Mark Bauerlein is a very intelligent and understandable person, but his view towards this new generation is very biased. It seems like he does not at all look at the positives of the new generation and how the new, advanced tools can be used to further knowledge, but instead tends to focus on the negatives. Although I do agree with him on some aspects of his view towards Generation Y, I do not think that we are the dumbest generation. I think that our education system and our schools are producing some of the brightest minds and smartest kids any generation has ever seen.

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