The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

March 30, 2017
By Evd_12 BRONZE, Vauxhall, Alberta
Evd_12 BRONZE, Vauxhall, Alberta
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" There's only one good thing about hitting rock bottom, there's only one way to go up from there"

The hunger games are a peace treaty between the 12 districts, where each district reaps one male and female tribute to compete in a bloodbath games. These tributes will fight to the death in a custom arena until only one tribute comes out alive.

The Hunger Games, is book one in the exciting trio of books written by suzanne collins. Katniss everdeen is a young women in the outcast district of district 12. Katniss is struggling to survive the harsh weather, and providing food for her non-wealthy family. To add to the trouble, katniss’ little sister, Prim, is drawn to be one of the tributes. Feeling like she has no choice, katniss volunteers herself in place of her sister.

Katniss is brung to the capitol to train for the games. Night after night she spends in the arena,killing and watching people die right in front of her. When the last of the tributes are alive, she sets out to find her male tribute ,Peeta mellark in the arena. Katniss makes a little friend in the arena and she doesn’t know who she can trust or who is going to kill her.

I would absolutely recommend this book if you have read it already. It is a perfect mix between, romance, action , comedy , and nail biting scenes. Suzanne did a wonderful job of grabbing your attention and holding it there, never wanting to put it down. Leaving you wondering, who will survive and who will come out victorious. And may the odds be ever in your favor.


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