Night by Elie Wiesel | Teen Ink

Night by Elie Wiesel

March 8, 2017
By jtstarr99 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
jtstarr99 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
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The book “Night” by Elie Wiesel is a non-fiction book about the real life events that took place at Auschwitz. The book follows Elie’s horrible trip to Auschwitz and the harsh living conditions and cruel punishments that him and his family faced. It follows his struggle to stay close to his father and pass certain selections that could potentially mean life or death. He explains his fight to keep his faith in tact and his questioning of all that is faith. The book is very powerful and has great imagery. It explains in great detail the camps, the guards, his family, and all the other prisoners that he had come to know during his life at Auschwitz and Buchenwald.  The book is one I would recommend reading. It is well put together and leaves people wanting to hear more. I think people should read this book because it is very important to never forget the innocent people who lost there lives in this terrible event and never forget the history behind the whole thing.  It also has powerful life messages like never give up and always keep family first. It also teaches you that friends are hard to come by and to keep friends close as well. The book conveys how elie’s mindset changes throughout his life in the ghetto and at Auschwitz. He went from being a happy, caring 15-year-old living with his family in their home to a sad, weak 17-year-old living in a block and being separated from his family.  This is definitely a book I would recommend everyone to read. Even if you have read it before, I would read it again because you will probably catch something the second time around that you didn’t catch the first time. “Night” by Elie Wiesel is definitely worth the read and is definitely worth a second look if you have already read it.


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