The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson | Teen Ink

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

January 31, 2017
By Anonymous

Pearson, Mary E. The Adoration of Jenna Fox. New York, Square Fish, 2009. 266.

She was the only one who survived, but is she the same girl who was in the accident? Who is she now? In The Adoration of Jenna Fox, seventeen-year old Jenna has just awakened from her year long coma caused by the accident- or so she is told. She watches videos of her past, while trying to determine her future, but is she really the same Jenna Fox from all the videos? Jenna starts to remember bits and pieces from her past, but were they actually her memories?  Lily, Jenna? grandmother, starts to give her hints about what really happened to her, and about who she really is. Jenna will not settle until she finds out the truth.  One night, she takes the key to her closest out of under her parent´s bed.  She goes to open the door while on her hands and knees when her hand slips. A three inch gash. But what comes out of her body is not what she expected. Will she continue to try to find out the truth, or will the truth reveal itself?

I absolutely loved how Pearson wrote this book from Jenna’s perspective; she knew exactly how to catch the reader's attention.  Leaving them on cliffhangers and adding extraordinary detail to put an image in their mind, she made the book come alive like a movie in your head. I recommend this book to anyone in their teen years! I loved how you could relate to certain things in life that really happen to any ordinary teen. As a reader, I like to read realistic books normally, and when I read this book, my whole perspective changed! I know that every person from age thirteen to eighteen would love this book just as I have!

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