Every Day by David Levithan | Teen Ink

Every Day by David Levithan

January 27, 2017
By sherla_thao SILVER, Sacramento, California
sherla_thao SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you started"

“Every day I am someone else. I am myself--I know i am myself--but I am also someone else. It has always been like this.” In David Levithan’s novel, Every Day, focuses on the main protagonist named A. A is a undefined being who wakes up every morning in a new body. A tries to keep A’s identity in a low profile and continue on the day in the body of the person A inhabits. It all changes when A meets a teenage girl, Rhiannon, when A inhabits into the body of Rhiannon’s boyfriend. A falls in love with the girl and tries to do everything A can to have a real body so A can be with Rhiannon the teenage girl.

Don’t we ever feel like we want to change or become something for the person we love? Trying to become a better person, trying to do everything in your power to be with that one special someone.

After the day is over A is in a new body and still can’t stop thinking about Rhiannon and the sadness in her eyes and how A made that sadness disappear for a while. No matter what body A is in A will always find a way to go back to Rhiannon until A finally tells her who and what A really is. Rhiannon doesn’t believe it but she does. She ends up falling in love with A no matter what gender the body that A is in.

David Levithan’s book Every Day is very interesting and will make you want to read more. The more you read the book the more you want to know what happens next. If you like reading about love/romance with a little curiosity then this is the book for you but wait! There’s more! David Levithan also wrote a second part to Every Day called Other Day.

David Levithan’s book shows what people are capable of doing just for love. 

The author's comments:

I felt as if I was in the book while reading Every day by David Levithan.


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