Why I Fight by J.Adams Oaks | Teen Ink

Why I Fight by J.Adams Oaks

January 27, 2017
By brandon_pineda SILVER, Sacramento, California
brandon_pineda SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Why I fight , by J.adam oaks is about a young boy named Wyatt, Wyatt burned his own family’s house and caused his uncle Spade to take him away from his family. Wyatt’s parents denied wyatt to leave, Wyatt still left with his uncle. Days past and one night wyatt wooked up in the middle of the night and heard his uncle spade talking saying how he's going to leave wyatt with his nana so uncle spade decided he's going to leave on that night so wyatt doesn't see him leave. Wyatt then decides he's going to go with his uncle spade and left his nanas house. Then uncle spade took Wyatt to a country fair , and Wyatt seen a sigh of “pig catching contest” he decides to enter the contest. No other kid could catch the pig besides Wyatt,Wyatt punches the pig and knocked it out.

Wyatt's life changed after that contest, his uncle spade seen that Wyatt had a strong hand.Uncle spade though he could train Wyatt to fight and he did train him.wyatt was getting ready for his first fight and his opponent was going to be a guy named flint.Wyatt knocked out Flint with an uppercut,Wyatt broke his wrist in that fight for punching wrong.Wyatt really wanted to go to school since he couldn't fight no more ,Wyatt and his uncle went to the school and tried to sigh Wyatt up for school but they couldn't no more there was only 5 weeks of school left. Days later Wyatt recovered from his broken wrist ,uncle spade and Wyatt drove to Mantua were Wyatt had his next fight.wyatt was getting ready to fight a guy named Roman Caidi, Roman was much stronger and faster than Wyatt and when they were fighting Wyatt lost a front tooth and got knocked out that was his first lost and know Wyatt didn't wanted to fight no more and know they had nothing to do else in Mantua

This book is a really awesome book to read it's full of excitement and action.i really enjoyed reading why I fight it wasn't a hard book to read it was a clear book and no high vocabulary words like other books and it was verry detailed. I recommend why I fight to people who likes science fiction and action. What shocked me about this book was that Wyatt (character) that's going thru all that and his struggle.

J. Adams Oaks the author of why I fight has won both the National Society of arts and Letters Regional competition and Illinois art council fellowship award. J.adams has also written another book that's called windy city queer. J.Adams Oaks lived all over  New Orleans, Madison, Madrid, D.C., and Denver, Oaks finally settled in Chicago where he is doing a curator and editor for the serendipity theatre Collective's 2nd Story storytelling series.


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