Every Day by David Levithan | Teen Ink

Every Day by David Levithan

January 26, 2017
By potato18 GOLD, Sacramento, California
potato18 GOLD, Sacramento, California
12 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don't be afraid to take that first step."

“Immediately, I have to figure out who I am.” Having a life of being someone new every single day not knowing where you belong. This is the life of a drifter named A but everything starts to change when he unexpectedly falls in love with a high school girl named Rhiannon. But how would he deal with being a drifter, when his love for her grows more everyday no matter who’s body he’s in he wants to see her over and over.

A is a 16 years old drifter who doesn’t know his real identity or if he even has one and don’t understand what is the point of his life. Because he all his life he only lives under the shadow of someone else and so he is just living his life because he was alive. Why, well because he has no motives or any purpose of wanting to live because at the same time he is and isn’t himself. Then he found his motive of wanting to live and why he wants to live because now he wants to live for her and with her. But how would he tell her when she has a boyfriend and the story of his life that he never told another living soul.

“Every day” just took my breathe away unexpectedly I felt every struggle, pain and love that A and Rhiannon went through. I just felt so connected and it was very addicting I couldn’t stop reading because I just wanted to know what is coming next. This story is so uniquely fascinating and very original I loved how the author David Levithan wrote this book so breathe taking on both adventure and love. After finishing this book makes you see that even though life isn’t easy but we have a purpose to want to live our life to the fullest.


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