The Passenger by Lisa Lutz | Teen Ink

The Passenger by Lisa Lutz

January 26, 2017
By Block-A BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Block-A BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wanted to run away from your parents? Well in the book, The Passenger, by Lisa Lutz, Tanya Dubois does that and more by staying away for more than 10 years, by stealing people's IDs living in abandoned homes and cheap apartments.


In this long memorable realistic fiction book The, Passenger, “Tanaya Dubois” husband's dies and she embarks on a long adventure yet again trying to hide her darkest secrets of the past. She survives in many towns and states and even meets a few friends along the way. Eventually, when there is something that can no longer egnor she travels home awaiting her secrets she has been  trying so hard  to protect.

I liked the way Lutz narrates the story it made you feel the emotions of the book. I also liked the action and suspense in the story because when there was it was jaw dropping and made you feel nervous ecstatic even sad for the characters. One thing that the book could use would definitely having more of that action or suspense in the story because some parts in the book were dry and could have used more action. Otherwise, this is a great book and I would recommend this to someone at a more mature level of reading because some of the content is more mature and some of the words might be challenging to understand for lower level readers.


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