Do Not Pass Go by Kirkpatrick Hill | Teen Ink

Do Not Pass Go by Kirkpatrick Hill

January 26, 2017
By Bennn BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Bennn BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Hill, Kirkpatrick. Do Not Pass Go. New York, New York, Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2007.

“And just like Jam, when she stopped crying she could hardly speak for the hiccupy gasps, so Deet wasn’t sure he’d heard her right. ‘He’s been arrested! He’s in jail!’” 

Do Not Pass Go, by Kirkpatrick Hill, is an intriguing book with an original plot and is enjoyable to read for school or for fun. Working two jobs to help support his family, Deet’s dad is taking sleeping pills to work his night shift. After he gets pulled over and the police find his pills, he gets sent to jail. Devastated, scared, and worried, Deet and his family are worrying about money and the safety of their dad. After frequent visits with his dad, Deet learns that jail isn’t necessarily the scary, mean, cold, and dark place from the books and movies.  He learns that this happens to more people than most people realize, and makes friends with other people like him.

I feel that middle schoolers would particularly enjoy this book because it’s from a middle schooler’s point-of-view. One of the literary qualities that this book had was its dialogue. I felt as if the dialogue grabbed you and pulled you into the story like you were there. Another great quality that this book had was the ends of the chapters. They left you at a point where you felt that you need to read more because of the unpredictable plot. I thoroughly enjoyed Do Not Pass Go, Kirkpatrick Hill did a great job having a unique story and descriptive language. If you want to read a realistic fiction novel that keeps you wanting more, I highly suggest Do Not Pass Go.


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