Underhand by M.J. McIsaac | Teen Ink

Underhand by M.J. McIsaac

January 26, 2017
By Kristoffer BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Kristoffer BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

McIsaac, M. J. Underhand. Victoria, BC, Canada, Orca Book Publishers, 2014. 180.

Underhand, a fictional book by M.J. McIsaac, is about a boy named Nick who is jealous because his brother Markus gets all the credit on their lacrosse team. Markus had gotten a scholarship to Philiston Weiks, a good lacrosse team, until someone had claimed Markus was cheating at provincials. All that happened was his girlfriend was working the scoreboard and she got excited when Markus scored so she jumped on her feet with pride, but she forgot to stop the clock, which made Markus come to the merge of  losing his scholarship. Philston Weiks started to give other players the scholarship including Nick, but Nick knew Markus didn’t cheat, end got excited when Markus scored so Nick needs to give back the scholarship and find out who lied about Markus's incident.

This book is easy, but great. McIsaac did an awesome job on putting the story in Nick's point of view; it showed how jealous Nick was over his brother, but in the end it showed how much Nick cared about his brother. The theme of this story is revenge and overcoming obstacles. The setting of this book is present day, mostly at the lacrosse field or at their house. I liked that the author knew about lacrosse; some authors don’t have good experience with the sport they writing about, but this author did. Overall, I would give this book a star rating of five out of five, but I would recommend this book to a younger reader who likes sports.

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