Always Running by Luis J. Rodriguez | Teen Ink

Always Running by Luis J. Rodriguez

January 25, 2017
By Sendzei GOLD, Sacramento, California
Sendzei GOLD, Sacramento, California
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Favorite Quote:
"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." - Carol Burnett

The famous novel Always Running by Luis J. Rodriguez is about immigrants coming in. Not only about immigrants, it’s also about gangs. Luis has joined a gang by the age of 12. His dad was locked up while he fought against the charges. His Brothers Kiko and Rodolfo would always cross the border to find work. The brothers and sister would fight all the time. Luis’s family had moved to L.A.

Luis is a 13 year old gangster who is in a gang call, East L.A gang warfare and he also is a veteran in that gang. He was already tatted up, sexually involved and into drugs. One night, he snuck out at night to the hills. His first love was at the age of 12 and the girl name was Maravilla.

Always Running, was a great book which had a lot of connection to me. This book had connection with me by me knowing some people who were gang members, it also connect to my neighborhood, due to many gangs violence in the neighborhood when I was little, I would always hear sirens and gunshots almost everyday.

This book was a good book, however it is also a bad book. Yes it is a book with a great story, however this book may influence little kids to do violent stuff in my opinion. It can also affect their behaviours with low discipline.

The author's comments:

This book is a really great book but at the same time, its also a bad influence. 


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