No More Us For You by David Hernandez | Teen Ink

No More Us For You by David Hernandez

January 24, 2017
By yaritzac.vasquez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
yaritzac.vasquez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“She didn’t make it, we tried everything we could, but her injuries were too severe and extensive.”


Carlos, Isabel, Snake and Vanessa all meet other. Carlos and Vanessa work together. Not knowing that they all attend the same high school, they see each other everyday on campus. Vanessa and Isabel are good friends, while Snake and Carlos are best friends that couldn’t ever live without each other. Vanessa introduces Isabel to Carlos and Carlos presents Snake to Vanessa. They all go to a dance thinking their going to have the best time of their life, not knowing it’s going to be the total opposite.

A tragical high school love story where a couple of teens fall in love but more of a disaster. It all started as just a couple of friends and some small feelings they they wouldn’t face. Even though each one had their own sentimental past, now they each recovered those moments they were down. They both been through a hard time but all they wanted was to take time back and each other.


“His dad said he’s on life support.”


I highly recommend this book. I can feel a strong connection to this book as I was reading it. It’s a real common story that happens yearly, but written in a unique way.

The author's comments:

   This  peice is a review about an amazing book I don't regret reading at all. t's a great book with a great story and lesson.

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