Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brain Selznick | Teen Ink

Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brain Selznick

January 24, 2017
By Anonymous

The book The Invention of Hugo Cabret is a good book for all age kids. I like how the author relates to all of the pictures in the writing of the book. He will describe an object and then show you with a couple pages of pictures. It describes where the object is and what it looks like, it just makes you feel like you are right where the character is.
The pictures in the book really help you understand the book. They help you feel like you are in the book. There are pictures of the scenery around the whole book. Some people might say that there is too many pictures in the book. If it is a chapter book why is almost half of the book pictures they ask. If you actually read the book you will see that all of the pictures help explain the book better.I myself like the pictures, I feel it adds to the book so you can see what's going on and hear what's going on.


Hugo Cabret is a kid living in the train station. His job is to make sure all of the clocks in the train station are set to the right time. He made a system of tunnels in the station so he could get around easier. Hugo Cabret is a very smart kid. He wants to make something to help him set the clocks it would make his job easier.            

But he doesn’t have any parts to make the object the wants. He has to find the parts, they aren’t just any parts they are small gear. The only way to get small gears is to take things apart and take the gears out if the toy. The only problem is that Hugo has no money. So now he is thinking that the only way to get the toys is to steal them. He knows that stealing is bad but he really wants to make this object to help him. When is almost done with the object he realises that he is missing a piece. Hugo goes back to find the last piece, and the store owner sees him putting something in his pocket.

I like the book myself, as you can see I really like the pictures. I think this is a good book for kids of all ages to read because it has a lot of pictures. The way that the author uses the pictures makes the book just that much better. That is why I like the book The Invention of Hugo Cabret.

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