Wild Life by Cynthia DeFelice | Teen Ink

Wild Life by Cynthia DeFelice

January 24, 2017
By Drewo BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Drewo BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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The book Wild Life will take the reader on a roller coaster. A reader would think this would be a tough thing to deal with, but Erik Carlson will make the best of his opportunity. Erik’s parents tell him some breaking news, and that's for someone to guess what that news is. In this book it takes place in many different places and can be in very outrageous scenarios. The book Wild Life is a good book, that shows how real life can be. Reading this book it gave me a lot of thoughts. The book overall is really strong and made me want to read the second book but there's only one book to read.

The main character Erik has some struggles in the beginning as he is forced to go to his grandparents farm in North Dakota. Erik knows he will be tested to his limits since he has never met his grandparents. The book is full of action packed scenes that will describe some of the things in this writing. When Erik is heading to North Dakota, he starts to cry and gets emotional and it makes the reader feel bad for what Erik has to go through. But Erik meets his grandparents and knows it will be tough, but he will get through the time he has to be there. Almost everyone in their life has a best friend and when a person hangs out with them time flies. Erik finds his best friend when he wanders into an abandoned shed. This friend of Erik's isn’t an ordinary friend and it will be tough to have this friend forever. Friendships sometimes work out and sometimes not and this is one that will require Erik to be tough and battle to keep his best friend.

When someone loses something usually they breakdown and struggle. But when Erik lost his parents for a little while, he doesn’t show that he is struggling. Erik stays strong mentally and emotionally. Even when we think we’re alright are body reacts and makes us do bad things. Erik thinks it would be easy to run off with his new friend and tries to survive off the land. Erik before he left was supposed to go pheasant hunting with his friend, but had to leave so Erik decides to try pheasant hunting and living off the birds, but boy does mother nature and the pheasants test Erik. Pheasant hunting is tough and there are a couple of methods for hunting them:using a dog to scare them off the ground or walking around and trying to stumble across them to try to get them to fly. Erik eventually figured things out and found a place to stay, but when winter sets in and there's no fire to keep a body warm; it’s hard to live in the wild. But Erik’s not the person to panic and flip out, he keeps his composure and stays strong. But little does he know his adventure could come to a halt. As he here’s something outside his shelter he knows this could be it for him.

Running away from loved ones would take a lot of guts and be very daring. When reading this book, there’s a lot of hints to what will happen next. But a decision doesn’t just come; it takes time and sometimes a body will make people regret something or make something feel like it’s a good idea even when it’s a bad idea. And having a mentality to do that and think like that can be good and bad. And in this case it could be both for Erik but he just doesn’t know it until the truth hits him hard. Everyone has their traits and people think they have everything to survive and living in the wild is easy.  But Erik finds something out and the truth hits him like a wrecking ball. This book kind of justs eats at a reader as to what will happen next and if it will change the entire feeling of the book. And in real life things don’t always go the way we want them to go and life's a journey as when reading this book and how a person will have their peaks and valleys. This book also teaches the reader so many different lessons.

This book will make a reader think, and how to stay strong and also that somethings can be hard on people and make them do ridiculous things. This book will help a person understand what some people have to go through in their lives, and how people have their similarities and differences. Wild Life will teach a person so many different life lessons and and take the reader on some amazing journeys. Overall this book is well thought out and put together. It would be a great book for anyone to read and I would highly recommend it for someone who’s looking for a outdoors and adventurous type of book. I have read a lot of books and this book would be one of my top favorites that I have read.

The author's comments:

Really liked the way the author wrote and portrayed the book.


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