Takedown By Allison van Diepen | Teen Ink

Takedown By Allison van Diepen

January 27, 2017
By orlandogonsalez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
orlandogonsalez BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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He’s here for the takedown, Darren is the takedown. At the age 14 he became a drug dealer for a rich man know as Diamond Tony. Diamond Tony is  also known as a  kingpin and for his substance called diamond dust. Darren is expandable so Diamond Tony gives him the drugs when he hears cops sirens came to there drug dealing corner. He gets caught up and sentenced to juvie.

While Darren was in juvie he met a guy who he became good buddies with. Latter on his friend gets beat up and left half blinded. Darren got payback on the main guy who hurt his friend and slipped a knife into his cloths so the guy was sent to jail. Darren was released and started to give intell to the cops about D.T.

“Thanks but we'll get a” Gunshots, Jessica and i hit the pavement” D.T hes messed his life up and caused him many painful moments. Darren states “Tell Tony that bullet should've been his”. When D.T got this message he was smiling admiring Darren even more for standing up to him.

This book is perfect for those who are in a trek for a realistic gang story. This book is just a great book because the author Allison van Diepen just knows how to entertain the readers and keep the reader's eyes glued to the pages. If you want to leave this world then this is a book for you!



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