The Maze Runner | Teen Ink

The Maze Runner

January 27, 2017
By NikoKoukoumtzis BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
NikoKoukoumtzis BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air.” The book The Maze Runner, by James Dashner, is an action packed book with tons of adventure and a brewing romance. Thomas wakes up with no memory he’s surrounded by around 50 other teens who previously lost their memory. He arrives in a place that they call “The Glades.” They all have one goal, to reach the end of the maze. They don’t know where they will end up but it’s definitely better than the maze. The maze automatically opens during the day and closes at night to protect the people in the glades from grievers. Grievers are massive monsters that inject you with poison, the cure is nearly impossible to come by. While they are poisoned they get flashbacks before their memories were wiped. They see Thomas in them. Then a girl arrives from the people who created the maze, she knew Thomas she brought interesting news.  Is he good or bad? You will have to read to find out.
I chose this book because the cover looked interesting, these massive walls with moss and spikes in between them. In the book, I enjoyed how Dashner put the book into 3rd person because you can really tell how the characters are. If you are talking in 1st person you are more likely to focus on the good not the bad. Another thing I enjoyed about the book was how it left you at the edge for your seat. At the end of almost every chapter you would be left in suspense waiting to see what happened. I would recommend this book to people who love books with adventure and packed with action.


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