The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

January 24, 2017
By A.Katterjohn BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
A.Katterjohn BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Have you ever wanted to travel in time? Have you ever wondered what it would be like for the roman empire to be here in the modern era? The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan is an enticing  and adventurous book that kids of all ages can read and love. As you follow the journey of Jason, a young demigod that can't remember where he's from or why he's there. Read this book and have your imagination flow, as the book takes you on a never ending adventure filled with action, humor, and romance. It takes you on a journey that gives you an idea of what a demigod's life would be like if they lived in the modern era. Jason meets people along the way that either turn out to be friends or turn out to be a pain in the butt for him throughout his journey. So if this is a book that interest you, like it interest me, then keep reading as I tell you about the his journey.


Starting off it's a really good book that will entertain you for the time it takes you to read the book. Jason meets a lot of people throughout the book. But one  of them is his favorite of all, Piper. Piper is a girl that he woke up sitting next to. But Jason has no idea who or why she is sitting next to him. To make things worse he's on a bus and has no idea where he's going. But somehow he feels that they know each other and know he was supposed to be with her. That's where his other friend comes in, Leo, a smart boy that knows how to build all kinds of stuff out of scrap. But Jason also has no idea who this guy is either, but something tells him that he is supposed to be here with them. But that's when he notices the bus driver staring  at him from the driver's seat, he is a short man that looks like a gym teacher. He has a red shirt on with a matching red hat, he even has a whistle. Not all of the kids he meets turn out to be friends some bring him pain and misery throughout his journey.

Now, this is where it gets interesting. As people start talking about “the end of the world” he starts to wonder who is causing this “dooms day” everyone is talking about. I won’t tell you who the main antagonist is in the story, just because I don’t want to spoil the ending. But people keep talking about old enemies coming back from the dead.Those are giants, if you thought cyclopes were big; well wait till you read about these massive creatures. They have massive and muscular bodies; as tall as small skyscrapers, the first one Jason's team faces is a smaller one compared to his brothers. But that's not even the worst of it. There's even  worse enemy than giants. It's the mother of all the titans and the titans are the parents of the gods. So this being is a very powerful one, that is on a mission to destroy the world. But he couldn't have done it without the help of some people he met along the way. 

Camp Halfblood is the first place that he gets taken by a girl named Annabeth. If you don't know her, she's another character from the book series that Rick Riordan wrote that takes place before this one. That's also a great read, go check those books out. Now Annabeth is a head camper at Camp Halfblood. She is one of the first people that Jason meets and is a more or less of a strict head camper, I can't tell you why so you have to go and read the book. But she knows what is going on, but there is one more person that knows more than her. That would be Chiron, a leader of camp Halfblood and he keeps on keeping secrets from Jason and his friends. That's all of the friends, enemies, and allies that Jason will meet in his adventure.

The Lost Hero is a great read that will entertain you until you're done reading. It’s an exciting and adventurous read that will take your mind on an adventure, as your imagination takes over as you read about what a demigod's life would be like in the modern day earth. Overall it's a great read that’s action packed and it even slips in a bit of romance, also some comedy so is not so serious the whole time. If you think you will like this book then go ahead and pick it up; I highly recommend it. 


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