I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson | Teen Ink

I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

January 9, 2017
By Anonymous

After reading I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson, I gained a new and creative perspective on love, art, family, and life. Nelson used exciting and colorful diction that kept me on the edge of my seat while she weaved in and out of two storylines.
I’ll Give You the Sun is about two twins, Noah and Jude. Each chapter shows the before and after of a tragic event in their lives, where they are left completely changed. They live in California right next to the beach and the ocean, Jude always swam in while Noah illustrated it. Noah was a silent boy that was amazingly creative and used art as a means of expressing himself, while Jude was a total daredevil who jumps off of cliffs and was interested in boys and makeup. But this all changes after the death of their mother, where their lives completely reverse. Towards the end of this novel Noah and Judes stories intertwine and the twins come together to find their meaning of life.
I am full of inspiration after reading about a special set of twins that are artistically gifted, but who also go through many tragic events in the lives they sometimes feel stuck in. This book is definitely a page turner and I couldn’t wait to get it back in my hands, to see where the storylines of the twins was heading next. I finished it faster than any other books I read, and I recommend it to anyone who is willing to learn more about love, art, family, and life.

The author's comments:

I loved reading this book, and felt that giving this positive review would be a perfect way to tribute to a very good book.

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