Of Mice and Men by Kaitlynn Chestovich | Teen Ink

Of Mice and Men by Kaitlynn Chestovich

January 8, 2017
By kait1028 BRONZE, Valparaiso, Indiana
kait1028 BRONZE, Valparaiso, Indiana
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‘“I done a bad thing. I done another bad thing”’ (Steinbeck 91). Lennie is petting Curley’s wife when she starts yelling at him not to muss it up. Lennie panics; he thinks George won’t let him tend the rabbits if Curley’s wife gets mad and tells George. Lennie is shaking her telling her not to go yelling or get him in trouble like George said she would. Lennie accidently breaks her neck killing her. When Lennie realizes “he done a bad thing” he runs away to the bushes where George told him to go. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is a fictional tragedy about two migrant workers, George and Lennie. Lennie’s mind is not as developed as it should be, he is like a child. The men have to run away from Weed because Lennie attacked a girl there; they travel and get a job at a new ranch. George and Lennie have a dream to get their own land, but that all goes down the drain when Lennie kills a woman on the ranch and George is then forced to kill Lennie. I like this book because most of it was enjoyable and interesting; i would recommend this book for children at least thirteen or older mostly because of the vulgar language used throughout the novella.
I would recommend this book; it had some page turning moments such as, when Candy’s dog was going to be killed, when Lennie and Curley fought, when Lennie killed Curley’s wife and when George killed Lennie. Although it was a page turner at some points at others it was hard to concentrate because of the lack of action or the word choice Steinbeck used. Many of the characters were relatable and easy for me to connect with. I can relate to the feeling of loneliness that multiple characters in the story felt. I can also relate to looking forward to and working hard towards a dream such as George and Lennie’s. I liked the tragedy genre because it made the book interesting and exciting. My favorite part was when Lennie killed Curley’s wife and this part is most likely the reason the story is considered a tragedy. Steinbeck’s writing in this novella was sometimes confusing because of the era it took place in and the way they spoke and pronounced their words in this time period. An example is, “I ain’t got nothing to do. Might jus’ as well spen’ all my time tellin’ you things and then you forget ‘em” (Steinbeck 4).  I did not like the style of writing for that reason. One of the most surprising parts of the story was when George killed Lennie; I was not expecting George to actually kill him because they had always stuck together and they were going to have their own place together. I thought they would run away together again. Some chapters of the book ended with a cliffhanger but some of the just ended plainly, you could just put the book down after certain chapters. However, after some chapters you needed to keep reading and find out what would happen. There we some parts of the novella that were boring but the parts that were not as boring were very action packed and engaging, which made up for the boring parts. The so called boring parts were boring because the did not have much going on; sometimes they had too much detail or sometimes not enough. The plot to this story is believable, but only because of the time period it took place in; if it had taken place in today’s world they charecters would not have gotten away with everything they did in the story. Such as, running away from Weed, lying about being cousins and  why they came to the boss, Curley’s wife’s death, having Crooks in a separate area, George killing Lennie ect. I would recommend this book to teens and adults it is a fascinating and eventful story that teaches about loneliness and friendship; with the exception of children due to vulgar language and other explicit content I recommend this novella to everyone.

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