Of the Mice and Men by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

Of the Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

January 6, 2017
By Anonymous

“Because I  got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that's why”(Steinbeck 14.) In the novel Of Mice and Men George and Lennie express such a strong bond between each other and support that quote, that was said at the beginning of the novel.In the end of the book when Lennie kills Curleys wife, that whole scene is the most exsiting part of the novel. All of the events leading up to this are pretty much normal and  uneventful. A plot twist within the story was when George ends up killing Lennie too, how i read into it, end both of their suffering. George did it himself because he knew Curley would. Curley would have done it painfully, rather than George doing it as simple and clean as possible. George would not be able to live with himself knowing he allowed that to happen. The plot within the novel is the dream. George and Lennie had a set goal that they needed and wanted to think about while working. Of mice and Men could be categorized as a historical fiction novel. I did not particularly like this book.It was hard for me to focus and comprehend what i was reading. I don't necessarily enjoy reading to begin with so i need a book that is going to grab my attention right away. I would recommend this book for lower classman (ages 14-16) in high school.

I would not recommend this book, because i didn't think it was a page turner. Although the novel is not necessarily a hard book to read, it was still hard for me to pay attention to. Yes Steinbeck concentrated on one main idea. Although he didn't introduce it or present it in a attention grabbing way. Some of the characters were relatable in a sense. Mostly the situations and relationships were the most relatable. Such as the relationship between George and Lennie, probably the most relatable. Another one could be Slim and George, theirs being more of a friendship type. Steinbeck used a common writing style. He told the story in a way that made sense, he did not skip around. Not every chapter had something big happen in it. When i read most of the story up until the very end was uneventful and did have a lot going on. It was boring, but if you can read to the end it does get better. Everyone has a dream or something they will eventually want to accomplish so in a way their situation and plot is believable and relatable. Students that enjoy reading and can easily have their attention grabbed are the ones who should be reading this book.

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