Trump: Art of the Deal by Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz | Teen Ink

Trump: Art of the Deal by Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz

November 17, 2016
By JeremiahS BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
JeremiahS BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


What is the first word that pops in your head?

Donald Trump is a public figure accomplished multiple achievements in his career.

While you may have your own opinion on him, you have to respect the business side of him. Forbes ranked him the #156 richest man on Earth and having that title, you bet there’s something we can learn from him.

Trump has built his capital mainly through real estate in New York. Throughout his career, the billionaire has learned the art of finance and was generous by passing on his keys of gaining financial stability.

Trump: the art of the deal written by Tony Schwartz and Donald Trump was published in 1987 with the purpose of discussing how Trump gained his success and the lessons that can be passed on for the future generation from his experiences.

The readers dives into many aspects of Donald Trump’s life through his childhood, developing real estate, and competing against large corporations.

One of the epidemics in the modern era is school teaching kids for the past and not the future. Finances are a huge part of life in adulthood, and sadly it's not integrated into our school system. Kids are put into the real world not aware of taxes, assets or budgeting. Teenagers now only have three options to learn about finances: from family and relatives, from experiences or books.

I believe Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz do an incredible job getting straight to the point where the actual lessons can be taught. The duet explains how to make a deal that can spark opportunity for you. By taking in all the knowledge this book gives you, you may become one step closer to achieve financial success everyone desires. I have goals for the future and these books can act like mentors to help you achieve those goals. “I like thinking big. If you are going to think anything, you might as well think big”(Trump ). Throughout my life, there has been certain people trying to break me down to the point where I doubted every decision I made. But, by simply just picking up a book and reading, inspiration and motivation has made me a better person. Overall, Trump: the art of the deal has helped me and millions of other ambitious people as it is a national bestseller.
Whether you are a curious teenagers or responsible parent, this book can assist in all aspects of your career. In life, expenses pop up on a daily basis and it is important to be ready all times. Furthermore, everyone wants to have a good life and if you are oblivious when it comes to making money, Trump: the art of the deal can put you in the right mindset to improve in that area. We only have one life, why not make it the best one yet.


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